Monday, October 19, 2009

To the Future Person Who First Captures My Son's Heart

I don't know your name yet, what you look like or what exactly it is about you that drew my son in. I don't know any of these things yet, but I know that one day, you will draw my son in and he will be yours for the taking. You see, my son has always been a gentle, loving, sensitive little guy. From the moment that he was born, he felt so deeply what those around him were feeling. If I cried, he cried with much more intensity. If I was laughing, he filled the room with his giggles and if I smiled, his grin beamed from ear to ear. As a toddler, if I was frustrated, he would take it in and pound his little fists on the table, as if, to help me vent out my own anger. He loves and always has. He had always been a sensitive little guy and sometimes this has hurt him. He was always the boy on the playground that liked to play fair and would give up his toy if someone else wanted it enough. We tried to show him how to have his own voice and how to think of himself sometimes. If another kid made a mean comment, as kids so often do, he felt it to his core. He would ask me, "what did I do, mommy, to make them say that?" It always broke my heart, but I was so happy to know that my son had a heart full of love, empathy and compassion. Don't get me wrong, he had his moments, but for the most part, he has always been a sweet and caring boy. We said from the moment that he was born, he felt everything 1000%. Life excites him. Little things bring him joy and light him up like a million watt light bulb. Music, sports, gardening, reading, painting, dancing, being around others, you name it, and this boy loves it. He has always danced and sang his little heart out. His smile, oh his smile. You know that his smile could break down and build back up, even the grumpiest of grumps. His dimples will break your heart, a thousands times over. He is never is short on compliments and "I love you's". He always had them at just the right moments, too. One time when he was just about 3 years-old, he followed me into a dressing room to try on some new clothes. I was feeling oh-so-horrible about my post-baby body from just having had his baby brother and quietly broke down in tears while looking at my reflection in the mirror. I turned around, as I didn't want him to see me sad. He grabbed me hand and said, "Mommy, you look so beautiful. This shirt is so cute on you." There was no better comment from no better person than that right there. He has a knack for knowing the best thing to say at just the perfect time. When he hugs, he hugs with his whole heart. He loves to give kisses on the cheek and hold your hand when you need a little comfort. If you need a laugh, he is right there telling his usual, silly jokes. A person that is lucky enough to grab his heart is incredibly special. And this is why I am writing to you. There is something or many things about you that my son finds amazing. If he finds you amazing, I'm sure I will too. Although, I can't guarantee that I will trust you right away. I'm one tough mommy and a mama bear with my boys. I protect and I know young love can hurt down deep. So please, take care of my boy. He loves you and has opened up his beautiful soul, wide open to you. Handle it with care. Whatever you do, show him respect and the gentle, loving care that I am sure that he has always shown you. He was born a loving boy who feels, so any cut that you give it going to cut deep. Love can hurt and life can be hard, this happens. I cannot protect my boy from everything, but I would like for his first try at love to not be too hard on his heart. Oh, and if you ever want to completely make his day, turn the music up loud and just dance. That and some chocolate chip cookies. Well, it always seemed to work when he was three.


  1. This posting is so sweet, Lisa. I even got a little teary reading it. :)

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! I have a knack for making others cry, just not usually in a good way... :)


I only ask that you keep it clean, nice and respectful.