Monday, November 2, 2009

Rough and Tumble

The other night, Little Man, (my 3 year-old) broke 2 of his teeth. According to the dentist, we have to play a game of "wait and see" to see if they fall out or not. His poor, beautiful teeth! Boys and their rough play! Then again, I used to wrestle with my older brother ALL THE TIME as a kid. I loved to climb trees and beat up on boys, too. I just can't imagine the craziness that these walls will contain in the upcoming years as Mr.Man ( my 10 month-old, I know, weird nickname, but that's what it is!) gets older and can really raise havoc with his older brother. When Little Man has friends over now, it's madness, times 10. They love to run around, laugh and be zany little boys. It is all friendly play, not aggressive at all, so I let them play. Studies have shown that boys who are allowed to rough house play, tend to actually be less violent as adults. (Studies have shown too, that boys who are allowed to pretend play with toy guns are actually less violent as adults, as well). I don't mind the almost out-of-control boy wackiness. I know a lot of moms that cannot stand it, but I appreciate it. Give me that over drama, any day! My main concern, is injuries, like Little Man's broken teeth. There was quite a bit of blood afterward, definitely made my tummy flip a few times. Yuck. It's not out first foray into injuries in this house either, not by a long shot. My son is only 3 and he has had many trips to the doctor for bumps and bruises. Here's a short list:

1. A trip just a few days after his first birthday for falling in a wagon and splitting his frenulum (small piece of tissue holding your upper lip to your gums). So, so gross.

2. Just a few days after the above incident, we were back in because Little Man ran his poor, little hands up and down our new wood dog pen in the back and had about 15 splinters deeply inbedded in both hands. Doc had to manually remove each one with a NEEDLE! Lots of screams in her office that day.

3. Fell down backwards, on our basement stairs , landing on the base of his neck. This one scared me to the core, it was horrifying to see him fall and not be able to grab him in time. He cried for 5 minutes, then was totally fine.

4. Losing control of his big wheel riding down a hill and flipping over and hitting his head on a huge ceramic planter.

5. Slipping on a blanket while dancing and cutting his teeth right through his bottom lip.

Oh gosh, I'm feeling like a terrible mother! Look at these injuries. Being a mommy of active boys is not easy. Active kids, in general, I guess. I know my kids are going to keep me on my toes, especially once they become older and more daring...yikes. I hope they just don't follow in their Daddy's footsteps and decide to go running with the bulls in Pamplona...

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